Banking and Financial Institutions

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank." — Woody Allen

Seigniorage - The Profit of Creating Money
Inflation and the Money Supply
Financial System
Financial Instruments
Financial Markets
Financial Institutions
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Payment Systems
Information Asymmetry: Adverse Selection And Moral Hazard
Financial Intermediation
Depository Institutions (aka Banks)
Types of Depository Institutions: Savings Institutions, Commercial Banks, Bank and Financial Holding Companies
Nondepository Institutions: Insurance Companies, Pension Funds, Securities Firms, Government-Sponsored Enterprises, and Finance Companies
Bank Balance Sheet: Assets, Liabilities, And Bank Capital
Bank Profitability
Bank Risks
Government Deposit Insurance
Bank Regulations and Supervision
Bank Regulatory Capital

Central Banking

Central Banks
Central Bank Design
Ron Paul Wants to End the Fed
Money Supply And The Central Bank's Balance Sheet
Money Supply and the Money Multiplier
Central Bank Transactions
Monetary Policy
Federal Reserve Monetary Policy Tools: Open Market Operations, Discount Lending, And Reserve Requirements
European Central Bank Monetary Policy
Quantitative Easing
Monetary Policy Rules, Interest Rates, and Taylor's Rule
Money Growth, Money Velocity, and Inflation
Money Demand and Money Velocity
Inflation and Employment
Aggregate Expenditure, Economic Output, Inflation, and Monetary Policy Reactions

Foreign Exchange

Economics of Foreign Exchange Rates
Fixed Exchange Rates
Unsterilized And Sterilized Foreign Exchange Interventions
Hard Currency Pegs: Currency Boards And Dollarization
Speculative Currency Attacks

Banking History

"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain." — Mark Twain

Banking History: Colonial Era
The First and Second Banks of the United States
Free Banking and the National Banking Act of 1863
Financial Panics and Bank Runs Before Deposit Insurance


London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
TED Spread
Net Capital Requirement (aka Net Capital Rule, Net Capital Ratio)
Securities Lending — Where Banks Win, But Can't Lose
Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF)
Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
Ron Paul Wants to End the Fed

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